
[石塚真一] 岳 第07-10巻

Gaku v07-08-09-10
岳 第07-10巻

Genre: Drama, Seinen, Sports
Status: 10 Volumes (Ongoing)
By: ISHIZUKA Shinichi

Shimazaki Sanpo loves mountains. He loves them so much he calls himself a mountain-man and lives in the alpines, lending his hand as a volunteer in a rescue team, finding people, dead or alive, in the Japanese alpines. The alpines can be a beautiful place, but it's also a dangerous, dangerous place. Just as a warning, some of the depictions can be somewhat graphic. It's not as explicit as a whole host of other manga, but it doesn't shy away from talking about how avalanches can tear people in two, etc. and then showing the upper half of a person.